BILD’s mission is to defend the legal rights of California's building professionals, as well as their workers and their customers.
The California BILD promotes and supports important legal cases to secure favorable court decisions for the building industry, focusing on cases with a regional or statewide significance to its mission.
The BILD program impacts important legal issues in the construction industry, such as excessive development fees, restrictive local growth control measures, and the misapplication of the California Environmental Quality Act and other environmental laws, such as the Endangered Species Act and Clean Water Act.
To ensure that the industry’s view is both heard and considered, BILD:
Files friend-of-the-court briefs
Requests that the California Supreme Court de-publish unfavorable decisions or publish favorable decisions from lower state courts
Files lawsuits on behalf of the building industry
Comments on behalf of the building industry at key hearings and other regulatory proceedings held by local, state and federal agencies
Assists selected litigants with financial help
Additionally, BILD works with the California Building Industry Association to support issues of statewide significance.
For information regarding the Building Legal Defense Foundation, contact Adam Wood at awood@bildfoundation.org or at 949-777-3860.