When BIASC was founded in 1923 as the Building Contractors Association, the Southern California housing market was expanding rapidly into the region’s first suburbs, reaching areas that weren’t prepared or didn’t support new homes. This created a need for homebuilders and developers to join together so they could advocate and educate with one strong voice.

Through all that followed – the Great Depression and the Great Recession 60 years later, World War II and the rebound from it in the 1950s, and the rise of regulation beginning in the 1970s – Southern California’s homebuilders, developers and the businesses that serve them have supported BIASC and depended on it to continue to provide that one strong voice advocating for greater housing opportunity.

In keeping with BIASC’s long tradition of combining building industry advocacy with strong member service and events that provide networking and fun, the Association’s Centennial Committee is planning a full slate of events and sponsorship opportunities throughout this history-making 100th anniversary. Bookmark this page to stay up to date on BIASC Centennial Celebration events and opportunities.

BIASC Hall Of Legends