Our Government Affairs Committee gives members a forum for discussing key challenges and opportunities while guiding our activities on four fronts:

Federal Government

BIASC’s Government Affairs Team works to develop, shape, monitor and advocate for federal legislation and regulations.

Critical Federal/National Issues That Threaten Our Industry:

  • Tax Reform

  • Immigration Reform

  • Mortgage Interest Deduction

BIASC travels to Washington, DC every spring to educate their representatives in the House and Senate on important housing legislation and to thank them for their support in building homes for America’s families.

BIASC often works in broad, multi-industry coalitions to propose or halt any legislation that may help or hurt the business community as a whole.

BIASC maintains an active national presence regarding critical national issues such as endangered species, wetlands, water quality, water supply and immigration/labor issues.

State Government

At the state level, the Building Industry Association of Southern California works closely with the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) on issues such as Construction Dispute Resolution (CDR), water quality, inclusionary zoning and school fees.

CBIA is the industry’s legislative voice in Sacramento, working in conjunction with BIASC to help remove barriers to housing construction and to ensure all Californians have access to affordable, decent housing.

BIASC also monitors state judicial cases impacting the housing industry and the activities of such state agencies as the California Coastal Commission.

Critical Issues Affecting all of California that BIASC is Working with CBIA to Address:

  • Inclusionary Zoning, AB1229 (Atkins)

  • Affordable Housing, California Homes & Jobs Act, SB391

  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Reform

Regional Government

BIASC is headquartered in Irvine and monitors political activity for the Southern California region, which is comprised of the six counties that make up the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area: Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial.

The Regional Government Affairs Team lobbies for specific legislation (often working in tandem with CBIA) and maintains a pro-active regulatory affairs program. Our government affairs team has expertise in areas such as air quality, endangered species, water quality and regional infrastructure.

Regional regulatory bodies that significantly impact the housing industry:

  • Air quality management districts

  • State and regional water quality control boards

  • Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

  • Regional offices for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Environmental Protection Agency

Critical Concerns BIASC is Focused On and Advises Our Entire Industry to Monitor Closely:

  • Regional Water Quality Board's MS4 Permit

  • 2015 AQMP Update

  • Indirect Source Rule

  • 2016 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy Update

BIASC interacts with and educates these important regulatory bodies. Our staff maintains expertise in all of these critical areas to ensure our members the best representation.

Local Government

At the local level, BIASC members are represented by four local chapters throughout the Southern California Region: Los Angeles/Ventura CountyOrange County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County.

Representatives from these Southern California chapters interact with elected officials and staff at all levels of government and work with Principle Office of BIASC to help coordinate regional efforts. The chapters primarily focus on local government agencies:

  • Boards of Supervisors
  • City Councils
  • School Boards
  • Water Districts

They closely monitor local meeting agendas for issues affecting the building industry and represent the BIASC membership at these meetings.

Representatives from the local chapters also educate local building officials on issues affecting the building industry.  BIASC chapters help elected officials and staff wade through tough policy issues such as inclusionary zoning, fiscalization of land use and development of impact fees to understand that housing is not only a “net plus” but essential to a strong and stable community.

Through the BIASC Political Action Committee, BIASC’s chapters recommend financial support of candidates to BIASC PAC trustees.

For more information on local chapter activities, please use the Chapter links provided above.

Providing our members with pervasive representation and timely information on critical building, housing and construction issues

Working in partnership with our local Chapters, and our State and National affiliates, BIASC is able to provide our members with pervasive representation and timely information on critical building, housing and construction issues, so that they can stay ahead of industry opponents and better serve their customers.

For more information on specific programs or issues, please contact Karissa DiStefano at 949-777-3859.

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BIASC's Public Affairs Department communicates the association's messages to our members and the general public. Our public affairs team in California recognizes that open and ongoing communication is just as important as the message itself. We therefore maintain strong relationships with the media, responding to all inquiries quickly, coordinating reporters' interviews with industry leaders, and working with print, radio and television outlets to publicize the good work that homebuilders do.