RCA Associates, Inc
RCA Associates, Inc. is a professional biological and environmental consulting firm in California that has been providing clients with top quality services and products for over 35 years. We have experience in all major components of the environmental and biological fields. Our expertise encompasses biological studies, NEPA and CEQA implementation, environmental reports, environmental assessments, general and specialized biological studies, and permitting.
Capabilities & Resources
RCA Associates, Inc. operates through a professional core staff, supplemented, as necessary, by proven professional associates with whom we work on a regular and on-going basis. Through this method we maximize work efficiency while minimizing overhead costs to the client. Our major work products include comprehensive biological studies, environmental studies, and surveys.
Company Resources
RCA Associates, Inc. has physical resources to provide all necessary components of the biological and environmental studies. Our in-house capabilities include our core staff of multi-disciplinary experts.
Report Production/ Presentation and Reference Library
We have complete in-house report production amenities including word processing, printing, mapping, and graphic design. Presentations are available in photographic, slide, or video format. Expert testimony and professional presentations are also an integral part of our report packages. Our company maintains a complete library of current regulations, permits, requirements, and laws pertaining to the environment. Technical documents, maps, photographs, and other references are also maintained on many areas of California.
If RCA Associates, Inc. can assist your company with any of your projects feel free to contact us.
Main Office: (760) 596-0017
Field Office: (760) 956-9212